The MIPIM conference held in Cannes from 14th to 17th March 2023 - Find a freedom of information request


This is an information request relating to the MIPIM conference held in Cannes from 14th to 17th March 2023

Please include the following information:

1. Did any members of the organisation attend MIPIM in an official capacity? If so, how many attended and what are their job titles?

If so, what was the total spend by the organisation on attending the conference? (please make clear how much was spent by the organisation itself, and how much it received, if any, in sponsorships or grants)

2. How much was spent on flights? (please provide information on the airline, and the class)

3. How much was spent on accommodation? (Please provide the name and address of the hotel)

4. How much was spent on food and subsistence? (Please provide receipts for any restaurants, cafes or bars visited)

5. How much was spent on conference costs? For example, tickets to the conference, any stands set up at the conference


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Two Lincolnshire County Council officers; the Inward Investment Manager and Regeneration and Portfolio Manager attended on behalf of Team Lincolnshire and the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

One Councillor joined the event by taking a break from his personal holiday and the only cost incurred was his train ticket and hotel accommodation. The Length of Trip = 12th – 16th March (2 officers), 13th – 15th March (1 Cllr)

2. Flights Easy jet Economy = £365.48

3. Hotel PLM,3 Rue Hoche 06400 Cannes

Hotel Amaranet, 78 Bd Carnot 06400 Cannes

Total cost £6340 (please note due to MIPIM and the sheer volume of people requiring accommodation that hotel room rates are substantially inflated)

4. Hospitability provided at events

5. Conference Delegate Passes x 3 = £5,614

LCC didn’t have a conference stand

MIPIM 2023 Total Costs


Accommodation (Hotel PLM & Amarante, Cannes)


Conference Delegate Passes


Sponsorship of Events – TL Lunch and TL Welcome Event


Flights- Easyjet


Airport Transfers & Car Parking


Travel Insurance


Expenses – train fares



£ 16,567.63

Grant contribution:


 Net cost to  Lincolnshire County Council


Cost of MIPIM is fully funded by a Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership for the Team Lincolnshire Inward Investment Ambassadorial Programme and therefore, there was no direct cost to Lincolnshire County Council

Reference number
FOI 6413585
Date request received
Date of decision