Authority's approach to disability issues - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to seek information on your authority's approach to disability issues. I would be grateful if you could respond to the following questions under the Freedom of Information Act.

1. Has your authority adopted the social model of disability in its practices?

2. If yes to Q1, has this been formally adopted at a council meeting or similar?

3. Have your staff and councillors been trained in disability awareness, including the social model of disability?

4. Do your equality impact assessments include reference to the social model of disability and its implications for policy decisions?

5. Does your authority employ an access officer or similar (e.g. access design officer or disabilities officer) to provide advice to officials and others about access standards and design? If yes, please provide the specific job title.

6. Is your authority part of the Disability Confident scheme? If so, at what level - Committed, Employer, Leader?


Children’s services Response

  1. Yes. As an example please see link to High Needs Strategy

and the Underpinning Philosophy

  1. The High Needs Strategy and associated papers regarding children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are routinely reported to Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee


  1. There is a range of training available for staff relating to SEN and Disability although not specifically focusing on the social model. The social model underpins the way we work.

We provide bespoke briefings and training to Cllrs when there are specific changes or developments in this area of work.

  1. There is a range of training available for staff relating to SEN and Disability although not specifically focusing on the social model. The social model underpins the way we work.

We provide bespoke briefings and training to Cllrs when there are specific changes or developments in this area of work.


  1. We have an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion officer but not a specific access officer. 6.Yes we are a Disability Confident Employer

Adult care Response


Adult Care have adopted the Social Model of Disability in our practices, it is required by the Care Act 2014 and a core element of training for practitioners.


Our vision for our practices are that they support People to stay as healthy, safe & independent as possible during all stages of their life.


We support people to see their strengths and what they are able to do rather than what they


We understand and value equality, diversity and human rights, and we prioritise safe, high- quality, compassionate support.

The things we do support people and improve their quality of life.

We draw on our own and the persons experience, judgement and creativity to support people to improve their quality of life.

We provide the right amount of support to each person. We will support people to be safe and from coming to harm

We work to the Care Act 2014 which sets out that the work must be undertaken by someone who is appropriately trained and who will consider a number of factors, such as:


  • the person’s needs and how they impact on their wellbeing – for instance, a need for help with getting dressed or support to get to work


  • the outcomes that matter to the person – for example, whether they are lonely and want to make new friends


  • the person’s other circumstances - for example, whether they live alone or whether someone supports them


The aim is to get a full picture of the person and what needs and goals they may have. After carrying out the assessment, the local authority will then consider whether any of the needs identified are eligible for support.


Because not all care needs are met by the State, the local authority uses an eligibility framework to decide which needs are eligible to be met by public care and support.


Further information about the Care Act and Local Authority responsibilities can be found here:

Reference number
Date request received
18 January 2023
Date of decision
5 April 2023