Proposals for a new gravel extraction site on the Theford Farm Estate (PE6 9NU) - Find a freedom of information request


I attended a Public Exhibition held in Baston Village Hall (PE6 9PA) which outlined the proposals for a new gravel extraction site on the Theford Farm Estate (PE6 9NU), which is immediately North of the village of Baston.




It is proposed that access onto and off the gravel extraction site will use the same A15 access as previously applied for by Thetford Farm Estate as part of their planning application for a Hospitality Venue - S22/0110. This has yet to be constructed. I have looked on the SKDC Planning Application website (S22/0110) and found references to restrictions that would be placed on the proposed existing A15 entrance/exit to Theford Farm (see attached) but cannot find any approval, or otherwise, from Lincs Highways regarding the plan to construct a new entrance/exit onto the A15 across the wide verge area.


The proposed position and route of the new A15 access for the Hospitality Venue is shown in the attached 'Block Plan'; which was submitted as part of the S22/0110 planning application.


Quite naturally, all the Villagers in Baston are extremely concerned at the plan to introduce this access onto the A15, on a 60mph de-restricted stretch of road that has experienced numerous accidents and several fatalities in the past 10 years. Particularly during the peak traffic times 0630-0930, where traffic is almost a continual queue to Peterborough. From the mass of gravel expected to be extracted, extract, there would be at least 10-15 HGV movements per hour, both onto and off the site, (for up to 8 - 10 years). The operating company (CEMEX) confirmed that HGVs will turn onto the A15 in both North and South directions and likewise, enter the site from both the North and South.




1. Has Lincs Highways Approved the construction of the new access road onto/off the A15 across the wide verge to support Planning Application S22/0110?


2. Has Lincs Highways conducted a computer modelling exercise to determine the future impact of gravel lorries turning into and onto the A15 during their planned daily operating times of 7am - 5pm?


3. Has Lincs Highways conducted a Risk assessment to determine the hazards and increased risk probabilities of road accidents if the new gravel lorry access onto/off the A15 is introduced?


1. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) were consulted as a statutory consultee and advised South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) that a further access would be acceptable to serve a hospitality venue (only).This will be subject to a S184 application to determine specification etc.


2. Should a further application be made for a gravel extraction site, a Transport Assessment will be required and an assessment would be made at that time to determine the impact of the proposals.


3. No application has been made, therefore, no assessment has yet to be carried out in relation to the site being used for this purpose.

Reference number
Date request received
23 March 2023
Date of decision
5 April 2023