Louth Active Travel Scheme Interim Impacts and Equality Training - Find a freedom of information request


Louth Active Travel Scheme Interim Impacts and Equality Training

1. LCCs Interim Impacts thinking, whether a 'rolling' Equality Impact Assessment [Sheakh v L B Lambeth] or otherwise. Anything recorded, eg memos, emails or reports etc should suffice. This does not have to be formal. Anything which says what LCC thought would be the effects on different people with 'protected characteristics'; how they have evolved and whether they distinguished between a] being in a safe pedestrian zone and b] getting there which are very different.

2.What training, advice or expertise LCC Highways receive or have in Equality and Disability.

This is a follow-up to 4373541 and 4698757.

LCC intend to do an Equality Impact Assessment at the end of the scheme which could be interpreted as 'box-ticking'. Since then we have seen some actions ['adjustments'] on the Active Travel scheme but not the thinking behind them and how far they remove or mitigate which disadvantages.

The purpose of an Equality Impact Assessment, however basic, in any form and whatever it is called, is not only to see the effect of any proposed changes on groups with different 'protected characteristics', but also to enable making adjustments to remove or mitigate disadvantage to disabled people.

Making 'Reasonable Adjustments' is an anticipatory duty under section 20 of the Equality Act 2010, so cannot wait until the end of a project. What is 'reasonable' depends on various factors


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Lincolnshire County Council continue to take feedback as part of the Experimental Traffic Order and that will be used at the end of the trial period for members to make a decision on whether or not the scheme should continue. That feedback is logged as per procedure but cannot be released due to personal information contained within.

2. All Lincolnshire County Council staff are required to undertake mandatory Equality and Diversity training, and further training is available to support the completion of Equality Impact Assessments where they apply, and if the training need is identified (i.e. not mandatory).

Reference number
FOI 5471950
Date request received
Date of decision