Local Authorities who generate and export electricity from their own energy assets - Find a freedom of information request


In order to assist my research into Local Authorities who generate and export electricity from their own energy assets I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions. I am particularly looking at grid connected assets for example solar farms, wind turbines and waste to energy plants, rather than rooftop solar installations which mostly supply electricity to the building they occupy.

I'd be grateful if you could answer the following questions: -

1) Do you own or operate electricity generation assets which export to the grid?

2) If so, what technologies? And are they 'co-located'? E.g., a solar farm with a battery.

3) How much electricity (in kWh) would you expect to be exported, per asset, per year?

4) When were the assets commissioned?

5) What is the current contractual arrangement to sell the power, to whom is it sold and what is the contract end date?

6) Does your local authority have any plans in place to acquire, build or invest in electricity generation assets in the future?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Yes

Lincolnshire Energy from Waste

Paving Way

Off Whisby Road

North Hykeham




2. Energy from Waste - Combined heat and power plant the facility uses high-tech machinery to burn waste at very high temperatures.

3. Generating 109,000 MWh annually (converts to 10.9 million kWH).

4. Opened 2013

5. We currently have a PPA with EndCo which is taking our 100% power and trading it on our behalf. The contract is based on short term hedged elements (60%) at a fixed price and the remainder on the spill market. The agreement with EndCo is open ended but can be terminated any time after September 2023 when the last fixed contracts are running out.

6. Not at this time

Reference number
FOI 6109085
Date request received
Date of decision