Compliance Standards - Find a freedom of information request


1.    Which standards does your council currently adhere to (ie. ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials etc.)

2.    Which team/department/individual is responsible for managing compliance?

3.    If compliance is managed by an internal staff member, what role(s) is this

4.    Has cybersecurity been set as a priority for 2023?

5.    What software / systems does your council currently use to manage your compliance, and any related documentation?

6.    If software / a system is currently in place, when does the current contract with that supplier expire?

7.    If software / a system is currently in place, when did it last go out for procurement?

8.    What is your current budget for compliance & compliance solutions?



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Services delivered by our strategic partner, Serco, adhere to ISO27001:2013. This includes delivery of our ICT environment.

2. Lincolnshire County Council Security Account Manager, Serco.

3. No records held. However it may be useful to know that compliance with ISO 27001:2013 is supported by the council’s Head of Information Assurance.

4. No records held. However it may be useful to know that the council has identified that cyber-attacks pose a significant risk to the council and it is being managed accordingly.

5. Smartsheet. In addition Serco use their own systems to support the delivery of Services provided under contract. These records are held by them for their own purposes.

6. No records held by the council.

Reference number
FOI 6192997
Date request received
Date of decision