Current email provider - Find a freedom of information request


Please provide me with the following information:

1. What is your current email provider (e.g. Outlook or G-suite)?

2. Do you have a solution for secure email in place (Y/N)?

3. Who is your current email security provider (e.g. Egress)?

4. When is the contract up for renewal?

5. Typically what is the chosen duration of these contracts 12, 24, or 36 Months?

6. Name and contact details of the person responsible?

7. Current annual spend for this contract?

8. Current number of licences for this contract?

9. Did you purchase via a reseller (if yes, please specify who)?

Budget & procurement

10. Are you planning on assigning specific budgets for securing email communication in 2021?

11. Do you procure through the G-Cloud framework (if not, how do you procure & plan to procure secure email in the future)?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Outlook

2. Yes

3. Broadcom

4. 18.12.2023, there is currently no intention to renew it

5. 12

6. Our IT services are managed under a contract with Serco until 31.03.2026

7. This forms part of the corporate Serco contract

8. 5800

9. Managed by Serco

Budget & procurement

10. NA – now 2023

11. The council does use the G-Cloud framework in the procurement process of various services and solutions as required. However, the Council has a contract with Serco, for the management of their IT services and support.

Serco are responsible for their own procurement. Serco is a private company and is therefore not covered by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Broadly only organisations considered public authorities are covered by the legislation. This means FOI requests cannot be made to businesses and private companies generally.

Therefore, Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information regarding the Serco contract.

Reference number
FOI 6328769
Date request received
Date of decision