The Fair Cost of Care report for 65+ care home placements - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to request an Excel spreadsheet presenting Annex B of the Fair Cost of Care report for 65+ care home placements

. In Annex B, the Fair Cost of Care reports should present one table for the costs of each of four home types:

* 65+ care home places without nursing

* 65+ care home places without nursing, enhanced needs

* 65+ care home places with nursing

* 65+ care home places with nursing, enhanced needs Annex B should present the lower quartile, the median, and the upper quartile for every item


I can confirm that the information requested is not held by Lincolnshire County Council.

Lincolnshire County Council has published the Fair Cost of Care Report including tables which reflect the quartiles on the link below.

Market sustainability and fair cost of care – Professional resources (

As such, this information is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the exemption set out at Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which provides that a public authority need not comply with a request for disclosure under the Act where that information is reasonably accessible by other means.

*Please note this information is not available as a spreadsheet

Reference number
FOI 6318034
Date request received
Date of decision