Live-in care packages - Find a freedom of information request


1. Does the Local Authority currently purchase live-in care packages? Live-in care is 24-hour care in a patient's home, living with the patient.

2. What is the average price for live-in care packages?

3. Please can you provide the name of the commissioner who commissions home care in the Local Authority?

4. Is there an open framework for us to apply for spot purchasing or an approved provider?


1. No.

2. Not applicable.

3. Afsaneh Sabouri (

4. At present, no.

There are two contracts which deliver Home Care, one deals with service users who have adult frailty and long-term conditions, and the second for those who require community supported living.

Firstly, adult frailty and long-term conditions:

Lincolnshire County Council has commissioned Homecare Services through a Prime Provider model since 2015. This model consists of a single contract in a designated area between the Customer and Prime Provider who undertakes full responsibility for delivery of homecare services in that area. There were 11 designated areas or zones across the county. The model requires prime providers to be accountable for meeting all demand for Homecare and support in each geographical area.

Given the high volumes and diverse range of services required and to support the wider Homecare marketplace there is an acknowledgement that Prime Providers should have in place the necessary sub-contracting arrangements with other Homecare providers to fully meet their responsibilities as a Prime Provider. The monitoring arrangements and relationship management of subcontractors is the responsibility of the relevant Prime Provider. We would encourage interested providers with capacity and an interest in supporting the wider homecare market to contact the Prime Provider(s) for the related area.

Secondly, community supported living:

Community Supported Living Home Care is delivered through an open select list. However, the list is not open at present and there is currently no information as to when, or indeed if, it will open again.

As a public body, Lincolnshire County Council is required to publish all contracts. The Contracts Register can be accessed at You will need to register to gain access to the site, but this is free to complete. There you will find information as to the providers of commissioned services and all other relevant contract information.

Reference number
Date request received
16 March 2023
Date of decision
22 March 2023