Firefighters and fire service staff - Find a freedom of information request


Please provide total figures for the four year period 2019-2022 for: 

1. How many firefighters and fire service staff have been reported to or investigated by the police for alleged sexual offences (including all categories, eg rape, indecent assault etc)?

Of those reported and investigated, please tell us: 

-             How many were convicted. 

-             How many are still being investigated. 

-             How many were cleared. 

-             How many cases resulted in no further action by the police. 

Of those convicted, please tell us: 

a) How many remain in the fire service. 

b) How many have left (please say whether they were dismissed, retired or resigned)? 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

There were no incidents of this nature reported or investigated by the police in the four year period 2019-2022

Reference number
FOI 5973637
Date request received
Date of decision