Home energy efficiency - Find a freedom of information request


1. What methods do you utilise to distribute information regarding home energy efficiency (such as grants or energy saving advice)? e.g. Letters, phone calls etc

2. Do you specifically target this at low-income households, or do you distribute this to every household in your area?

3. Would you be able to share any of the approximate annual costs involved in these distribution methods?


The County Council is not directly responsible for the distribution of funding for home energy upgrades, such as the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme and the Homes Upgrade Grant.

These schemes are administered and delivered by the district councils.

As such, the County Council would not promote these schemes directly to households, this would be done by the districts.

The County Council is part of the Greater Lincolnshire Energy Efficiency Network - which coordinates activity on energy efficiency schemes in domestic housing across Greater Lincolnshire.

Representatives from the Public Health Team and the Sustainability Team take part in the GLEEN group. The GLEEN group has looked at proposals for an across Lincolnshire energy advice service for residents, but as yet such a network has not been put in place.

Reference number
FOI 6216881
Date request received
Date of decision