Roman Road, Moulton Chapel, near Spalding PE12 0XA cameras along closure area - Find a freedom of information request


Relating to Roman Road, Moulton Chapel, near Spalding PE12 0XA.

1. Is or are there any working or non-working surveillance cameras alongside the closed section of the road?

2. If there are any such cameras and they are working, have they shown any of the vehicles which have been driven through the closed part of the road?

3. If there are no cameras, what is the purpose of the sign?

4. If there are cameras which show such vehicles, does LCC intend to take any enforcement action against one or all of the drivers of all or some of those vehicles? if not, why not?


1. The Surveillance cameras, used can be either static ones or body cams which can be either on or off at particular times of the day, on this project there were no cameras used.

2. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) have not been made aware as of the 08.03.2023 from its contractors of any vehicles driving through this official road closure.

3. The signs are a legal requirement there if Body Cams are being used or will be used, they also act as a deterrent for those wishing driving through our site and have been approved in conjunction with Lincolnshire Police, as well as for the for the Health and safety of its contractors on site.

4. If a vehicle incursion does occur and is captured on the cameras, the information will be passed to Lincolnshire Police as it is for the police to enforce against any traffic violations such as a road closure for Highway maintenance works.

Reference number
Date request received
6 March 2023
Date of decision
9 March 2023