Commissioning for Children and Young People with complex health needs - Find a freedom of information request


1/ How does your organisation currently commission Children & Young People (CYP) services for those who have complex health needs? (as defined within Background). Please answer against the categories listed in the below, where applicable.

Example answers for the type of procurement model include: Operate a Framework, Operate a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), Spot Purchasing, Preferred Provider, Block Contract, No formal process.

Organisation type

Who leads on the procurement

Type of procurement model in use

Link (if applicable)

E.g., answer ICB/ICS

Joint procurement across ICB and LA


Insert link to Framework details (www.)

E.g., answer Education


No formal process


E.g., answer LA

Joint procurement across ICB and LA


Insert link to Framework details (www.)



Local Authority

2/ Please complete as much of the table within the attached spreadsheet as possible, contained on the 2nd tab. We would like to know the names of the care providers that are currently being used to deliver services to the Children & Young People (CYP) cohort described in the Background. To support with identifying a national list of care providers for this cohort, we also require details about the type of provider. Reference points such as the provider postcode and CQC Location ID (if it is a CQC registered service) have been requested to allow for the providers to be identified in a consistent and accurate manner across LAs and ICBs.

The 3rd tab contains a Key which provides further explanation to some of the columns, alongside possible examples. Please note that the examples are not an exhaustive list.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Information attached in relation to LCC practices only:

Lincolnshire County Council operates an 'Open Select List' (OSL) procurement method for commissioning all Children's Services independent placements.

Providers are invited to join the list annually and must provide pre-qualifying information about their organisation to allow us to assess their organisation's viability.

Once this has been completed, Providers are added onto the OSL and those Providers will receive all placement referrals first, prior to any open market searches.

Being on the OSL does not guarantee any business.

Lincolnshire County Council use this method to commission all purchased placements, regardless of whether this is part funded by another organisation, such as the ICB.

Please note- other such organisations may also commission placements outside of these arrangements, however Lincolnshire County Council will not be aware of those.

In addition to the provision described above, Lincolnshire County Council also hold a contract with Kids (see spreadsheet) for provision of Domiciliary Care provision across Lincolnshire; this was procured via an open competitive tender process.

Some information has been removed as it is considered exempt under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 6042601
Date request received
Date of decision