Council Chamber usage - Find a freedom of information request


1) How many hours were your debating chamber(s) used for meetings or events during 2022, this can include setting up and clearing up times to keep it simple say assuming a morning or afternoon would  be 4 hours, an all day meeting 8 hours and evening meeting 3 hours, approx 12 hours for a full day and evening meeting or event. If its easier for you to say separately the number of mornings then afternoons then evenings I can calculate it from there.

2) What cost was there to heat light clean and maintain your debating chamber(s) during 2022 inclusive of Business Rates costs . This need not be too detailed and an approximation is fine to the nearest 10k. If there is no such breakdown then please  supply the detail of the same costs for the whole building within which the debating chambers form a part.

3) What is the area in sqM of the whole building within which the debating chamber forms part and what is the area in sqM for the debating chambers themselves.

4) What income if any was received from external sources for using the debating chambers ie a non council hiring?

Essentially i just need to know how often they were used and how much they cost to run something as simple as follows would be ideal:-






Full building £200k

Chambers 100sqM overall building 500sqM



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. The Council Chamber was used for approximately 748 hours during the specific time period

2. Please see below, these costs are for the building the council chamber is based in (County Offices), these costs cannot be separated for the room alone.

Cleaning £82,661

Electricity £250,963

Gas £28,799

Property Repairs, Maintenance  £314,319

Rates £347,529

3. Total sqm of County Offices = 6981,

sqm of Council Chamber = 191

4. The income that was received was not related to the Council Chambers.

Reference number
FOI 5864229
Date request received
Date of decision