The efficiency (%age overhead) of local government expenditure - Find a freedom of information request


I am interested in the efficiency (%age overhead) of local government expenditure, and road repair management in particular and therefore I write to ask for details of:

1) Total salary cost (including all employer related costs) of your roads department for a 12 month period, 

2) Total expenditure (excluding the salary cost at 1 above) by your roads department on road maintenance over the same 12 month period.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) This calculation is based on the staffing budgets held for 23/24

Total staffing - 4,291,333.00

2) This calculation is based on the staffing budgets held for 23/24

Total staffing 4,291,333.00

Total works 79,232,936.00

Total 83,524,269.00

Reference number
FOI 6070789
Date request received
Date of decision