Persistent or vexatious contact from residents - Find a freedom of information request


A) Please can you confirm if your council has a policy which deals with persistent or vexatious contacts from residents? If so, please confirm what it is called and provide a link.

B) Please provide a breakdown of residents who have been subject to the policy, or similar orders, over the last five financial years, including 2022-23 to the date this FOI is processed?

C) Please breakdown into:

i) The year/date the complaint/subject was dealt with?

ii) Gender of the subject?

iii) Age bracket of subject (in five year increments)?

iv) The reason for them being dealt with under the policy?

v) Whether they were banned from contacting the council in general?

vi) What other measures were put in place to tackle the issue?

vii) Whether the subject of the order kept to it, or breached it and if so, what happened?

viii) Number of staffing hours used to deal with the person?



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

A) Our vexatious complainant process is stated in our complaints policy and can be found here

B) Over the period of time 2 individuals have been subject to our vexatious complainant policy

C) Please find attached spreadsheet

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 6024465
Date request received
Date of decision