complaints that the council have received from council-run residential adult care homes relating to mould and/or damp - Find a freedom of information request


1. Between 14 June 2017 and 14 November 2022, how many complaints has the council received from council-run residential adult care homes relating to mould and/or damp?

By adults, I mean people aged over-18 but who are not classified as 'older people'.

2. Between 14 June 2017 and 14 November 2022, how many complaints has the council received from council-run residential children's care homes relating to mould and/or damp? 

3. Between 14 June 2017 and 14 November 2022, how many complaints has the council received from council-run residential care homes for older people relating to mould and/or damp?

4. What action was taken in response to each of the complaints? 



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1-4. There has been zero complaints received from council-run residential adult care homes relating to mould and/or damp to the Council between 14 June 2017 and 14 November 2022

Reference number
FOI 6040697
Date request received
Date of decision