Potentially Violent Persons Register aka Restricted Persons Register aka Cautionary Register - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please may I have a redacted copy (i.e. one which does not contain names, addressed or other information likely to lead to a person on the register being identified) of the latest copy of your Potentially Violent Persons Register aka Restricted Persons Register aka Cautionary Register aka whatever relevant name you know such a register by

2. I am writing to request publication of any blacklists which the council may operate.

This would include (but not exclusive to)

- serial complainers

- violent/aggressive/abusive persons

- troublemakers

- campaigners/activists

3. I would also request information on the distribution/circulation of these lists.

In order to avoid any further confusion let me make clear that my FOI request is for copies of redacted copies of the register which only state the reasons why an individual was added to the blacklist, the categorisation of risk attached to that (eg low, medium, high), and how long they were placed on the list for. I am not looking for any information which would identify the individual or in any way lead to their data being breached.

As an example I am attaching an example of disclosure under the FOIA which was made by the London Borough of Hillingdon - and which you can see for yourselves by visiting: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/blacklists_3?unfold = 1#incoming-221006


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. There is no register – potential for violent behaviour is only stated on individual records in order to notify only workers who are required to make contact with the specific individual

2. None

3. As stated in point 1

Reference number
FOI 6039797
Date request received
Date of decision