Funding designated towards the wellbeing of teachers and schooling staff - Find a freedom of information request


1. What funding is Lincolnshire County Council designating towards the wellbeing of teachers and schooling staff in your local area?

2. If possible, could you please send me a relevant name/email/contact number of someone in charge of mental health within schools in your local area?

3. What funding is being designated to schools, specifically for student wellbeing in your local area?

4. What is the number of schools/teachers that Lincolnshire County Council provides funding for?


1. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) does not provide any additional funding for schools in this respect. Schools can access additional funding direct from the Department for Education. Separately LCC provides services that schools can purchase to support their staff including occupational health and employee counselling.

2. Mark Davies, Schools HR Business Manager,

3. £0.

4. The Local Authority through its locally agreed funding formulas delegates funding to schools, funded from central Government grants. It is the schools responsibility to set its spending priorities, including the establishment of staffing, such as teachers and support staff.

Reference number
Date request received
1 February 2023
Date of decision
21 February 2023