Other Authorities supported by Lincolnshire County Council - Find a freedom of information request


Has LCC supported any other authority/authorities with either funding or other resources for children or adult services either in or out of the county councils area within the last five years. If so;-

1. How many times?

2. Which authorities received the support?

3. What is the nature of the support the county council has provided?

4. What is the funding agreement with those authorities in regard to payment for the councils support? (Please provide the agreement)

5. Have all the costs to the county council for any support/services provided to other authorities been fully recovered by the county council. If not what is the reason for this, If not what has support to another authority cost Lincolnshire taxpayers


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Four

2. North East Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Rotherham & Tower Hamlets.

3. Provision of peer support to authorities who are working to improve their services.

4. The funding agreement is between the Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) and the Department for Education (DfE) when supporting other Local Authorities.

The scope of support is costed and agreed between LCC and the DfE, and LCC call off funding from the agreement based on days completed. There are no files held on any agreements with the authorities that are supported.

There are quarterly monitoring reports that are supplied to the DfE that are confidential on the work completed and grant claimed, and they cannot be shared.

As for agreements with the DfE there are none and this would be classed as commercially sensitive anyway due to the nature of the support work, and therefore could not be shared.

5. Yes, all costs incurred by LCC in supporting other Local Authorities are funded by the funding agreement.

Reference number
FOI 6003037
Date request received
Date of decision