Long Bennington DMMO 351 - Register of DMMO applications

DMMO number
DMMO 351
Intended effect of the application
Claimed footpath
Grid references for start and end of claimed route
SK83664537 to SK83624535
Principal cities,towns,villages near claimed route
Long Bennington
Long Bennington
Applicant's name
Long Bennington Parish Council
Applicant's address

St. James' Hall, Main Road, Long Bennington, Newark, Notts, NG23 5DJ

Date of application
29 February 2012
Council officer
Senior Definitive Map Officer
Application number
Council telephone number
01522 782070
Council email
Date of council's decision
19 June 2019
Outcome and reasons for the decision
To make an Order to add to the Definitive Record a public footpath between Back Lane and Public Footpath No.17. There is deemed sufficient evidence to reasonably allege that public footpath rights subsist along the application route.
Date modification order made
2 July 2019
Confirmation,non confirmation (with,without mods)

Order confirmed (as unopposed) on 3 September 2019, adding Long Bennington Public Footpath Number 1162 to the Definitive Record.
