How many Looked After Children were unaccompanied asylum-seeking children - Find a freedom of information request


1/ For each of the last four financial years and the current year to date, how many Looked After Children (LAC) were unaccompanied asylum-seeking children? Please break down the number by year. For clarity, please provide the total number of such children placed into care (LAC) during that year.

2/ For each of the last four financial years and the current year to date, on how many occasions did Looked After Children who were unaccompanied asylum-seeking children go missing?

3/ How many of these unaccompanied asylum-seeking LAC went missing and did not return? Please break down by year.

4/ a) How many LAC (in total, including unaccompanied asylum-seeking LAC) were abducted while in the care of the authority over this entire period?

b) How many of these were known to be unaccompanied asylum-seeking LAC?

c) If known, please provide the name of the provider where most children have gone missing but not returned?

d) Where detailed, please provide descriptions of any abductions (e.g. child abducted by car outside a children's home) and the age of the child.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1/ 2019-20 4% of 626 = 25

2020-21 4% of 681 = 28

2021-22 5% of 735 = 37

2/ 2022

Ethiopian Male,

Albanian Male,

Turkish Male


- Vietnamese Male x 2,

Albanian Male,

Eritrean Male


1 Afghani Male

3/ Unaccompanied asylum-seeking Children in Care went missing and did not return





4/ Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information.

Reference number
FOI 6024567
Date request received
Date of decision