Contact centre staff training - Find a freedom of information request


Please can you confirm what training is offered whether mandatory or optional, to your frontline contact centre/call centre staff who are answering calls/responding to emails.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Call advisors undergo a minimum of 4 weeks training and further are supported through a personalised plan to competency through their probationary period;

This is inclusive of:

- Induction to the building, the business and the expectations, inclusive of Health and Safety including Fire Safety.

- Mandatory training completed online, inclusive of Display Screen Equipment understanding and assessment, Data Protection & Information Assurance Awareness, Safeguarding Everyone and Radicalisation Awareness.

- Soft Skills and general training, inclusive of Call Control and Challenging Customers, Compassion Fatigue, De-escalation and Coping with Workplace Change.

- System training, which may be service specific dependant on the area in which the advisor will be working inclusive of telephony system and customer relation management systems.

- Dependent on the service the advisor is set to work for, they will then enter service specific training, examples include, Adult Care, Children's Social Care, Carers and Corporate Services.

Reference number
FOI 6024568
Date request received
Date of decision