Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue's Total budget since 2015 - Find a freedom of information request


Please can you send through your fire and rescue authorities total budget for each year since 2015.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Please see below the Fire & Rescue original budget since 2015/16

                  Original Budget

2015/16     19,764,537

2016/17     19,444,560

2017/18      18,589,984

2018/19      19,005,700

2019/20      19,551,279

2020/21       21,573,189

2021/22       21,987,678

2022/23       21,710,257

*Please note this is original budget taken from the budget book, this does not include any in year budget movements

Reference number
FOI 6012737
Date request received
Date of decision