Flood defence and cable corridors - Find a freedom of information request


Main Rivers

The cable route crosses or passes in close proximity to a number of Main Rivers. We would be grateful if you could provide us with any information that you would consider relevant to our assessment of the cable route and substation area, particularly in relation to:

a) Any flood event history or known areas of surface water drainage or highway drainage issues

b) Flood defence (coastal or fluvial) infrastructure that is owned or maintained/managed by LCC

c) Any projects, proposals or plans that are in proximity to or which would have an effect on the cable corridor

d) Any known surface water or groundwater abstraction points in proximity (up to 2km) to the cable corridor

e) Any other information or data that you feel would be of relevance to hydrology or flood risk assessment in this area 

f) Finally, with regard to groundwater, any information on monitoring points for groundwater levels and associated historic data would be appreciated.


a. For coastal and fluvial defenses these are maintained and managed by the Environment Agency (EA). Please contact the EA direct who will hold any relevant information.

Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) hold information on Section 19 Flood investigations and these are mapped on Power BI and can be accessed via https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/flood-risk-management/flood-investigations

This will provide information on known flooding issues that have significantly affected properties or roads.


b. District Councils will be aware of any specific planning proposals. This information will also be available online.

In relation to proposed highways schemes, these are dealt with via LCC searches team, which can be requested via https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/planning/land-charge-searches/1


c. LCC do not hold this information. Please contact the Environment Agency directly for this information.


d. LCC do not hold this information. Please contact the relevant Internal Drainage Boards for the area (details available online).

The Environment Agency will hold information on groundwater abstraction points and therefore monitoring levels.

Reference number
Date request received
31 January 2023
Date of decision
8 February 2023