PCN's at Sussex Avenue in Boston - Find a freedom of information request


1.'Referencing Sussex Avenue in Boston, do Civil Parking Enforcement Officers take the registration plate numbers of vehicles parked on the pavement or on yellow restriction lines and issue fines, or do they merely issue warnings?'

2.Is that if fines have been issued?

3. How many fines have been issued on the following roads (Sussex Avenue, Amberley Crescent and Arundel Drive) in Boston over the last year (2022)?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Officers can issue instant Penalty Charge Notices to vehicles parked on a zig zag marking or in the bus stop at this location.

Officers are required to give a 5 minute observation for all vehicles parked on a single or double yellow line. The officer will enter the registration number in their handheld and if the vehicle is not witnessed loading or unloading or dropping off and picking up a passenger, then a notice could be issued after the observation time.

We do not issue warning notices at this location.

Please note that vehicles parked on a pavement where there are no restrictions are the responsibility of the Police as this is classed as causing an obstruction and there is no contravention for obstruction under Civil Parking Enforcement.

2. We do issue PCNs at this location

3. This information is available to the public via https://lincolnshire.ckan.io/pages/pcns

Reference number
FOI 5997637
Date request received
Date of decision