Fire Services Employees - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many operational staff (grey book employees) are currently (as of 17/1/23) subject to live or ongoing GROSS/SERIOUS misconduct disciplinary investigations?

2. How many of these involved allegations of sexual harassment?

3. How many of these involved allegations of racism?

4. How many operational staff (grey book employees) were subject to GROSS/SERIOUS misconduct disciplinary investigations in 2022?

5. How many of these involved allegations of sexual harassment?

6. How many of these involved allegations of racism?

7. How many operational staff (grey book employees) work at your fire service?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. 0

2. 0

3. 0

4. 2 cases

5. 0

6. 0

7. 564

Reference number
FOI 5936745
Date request received
Date of decision