Stephenson Way, Bourne, Lincolnshire - Find a freedom of information request


I would like information on the management of maintenance on the roadway, Stephenson Way, Bourne, Lincolnshire, in relation to the accident dated 27/08/2022. The information I require is as follows:

1.Risk assessment that determined the 40mm pothole limit was an acceptable risk for motorcycles

2. Risk assessment that considered the width of a pothole that could cause a slip risk to a motorcycle

3. The frequency of inspection planned for this road and the rationale for this

4. The dates of the inspections conducted in the last 3-years demonstrating that the road was inspected as planned

5. The competence records of the individual that inspected the road

6. The process for measuring the pothole in question and how a depth of 38mm was determined

7. The calibration records of the device used to make the measurement

8. A copy of the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan April 2021

9. Photographs taken by the Highways Officer dated 13/09/2022

10. Information pertaining to enquiry 424131


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Our risk based approach is explained within the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan

2. Our risk based approach is explained within the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan

3. The road has a hierarchy 5 within our network, this determines an inspection frequency of once per year.

4. Please find attached the site history report for the last 3 years.

5. All our Highway Officers have all completed Highway Safety Inspectors Modular Training and Assessment

6. The measuring devices used are commonly used across the country and are a tried and tested method of obtaining an accurate measurement accepted by the courts.

7. No records exist

8. Please use the following link to a copy of our plan Highways infrastructure asset management plan -Lincolnshire County Council

9. Attached are photographs taken 13/09/2022 as requested.

10. Please find attached copy

Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and these can be provided.


Reference number
FOI 5716449
Date request received
Date of decision