Electric vehicle charging points Installation - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many electric vehicle charging points have been installed to date?

2. How many electric vehicle charging points does the authority plan to install in the next 12 months? Including split of slow, fast, rapid.

3. How much does the council plan to spend on installing electric vehicle charging points in 2022/2023 (as GBP and as a percentage of overall budget).

4. Will the council be going to tender for the projected chargers in point 2? If Yes, when?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Approximately 20 during the last 12 months ( up until 5 December 2022)

2. In June 2022, a partnership of five local authorities across the Midlands region, Lincolnshire County Council, Herefordshire Council, Leicestershire County Council, Rutland County Council, and Stoke-on-Trent City Council, alongside Sub-National Transport Body Midlands Connect submitted a bid to the Government’s LEVI Pilot fund.

The fund is aimed at getting more electric vehicle chargers into areas with limited off-street parking. As a result of this successful LEVI bid, we anticipate installing approximately 101 standard and 8 rapid charging points across Lincolnshire, with the majority of these being on-street chargers in residential areas with the remainder being placed in council owned car parks and other council owned land.

For more detailed information please see the link to the press release issued back in August 2022: https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/news/article/1195/fully-charged-we-win-government-cashto-boost-number-of-electric-vehicle-charging-points

3. The County Council does not currently have any internal budget allocated for this work – instead, we will be progressing the role out of EV charging using Department for Transport funding as part of a LEVI pilot designed to better understand the needs of Lincolnshire’s residents and the best methods of working as a highway authority.

Lincolnshire County Council is the lead partner for the LEVI pilot and Lincolnshire will see around a third of the total £935,355 invested in the County.

It is also expected that this support from Government will attract an additional £2.8million of private sector investment, across the five local authorities.

4. It is likely that we will use the Oxford DPS – an established procurement mechanism. We aim to be ready to undertake procurement from April of this year.

Reference number
FOI 5769401
Date request received
Date of decision