Staff bonuses and redundancy payments - Find a freedom of information request


1) How many bonuses were given out to staff during the 2022 calendar year? Please include the monetary value of the bonus and also the format of the bonus (i.e. was it a gift card, voucher, cash bonus)

2) Any redundancy payments made to employees leaving in 2022. If any were made, please provide information on the total amount of each payment


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) Lincolnshire County Council does not pay any bonus payments

2) Please see below for details of redundancy payment made in 2022 (excluding Schools)

EMPLOYEE Redundancy Payment
1 £29,032.99
2 £32,206.64
3 £29,522.75
4 £32,730.83
5 £34,968.84
6 £22,738.94
7 £13,269.04
8 £14,802.57
9 £50,478.25
10 £14,699.92
11 £30,318.59
12 £12,173.37
13 £22,738.94
14 £33,933.00
15 £16,797.10
16 £29,895.54
17 £35,021.25
18 £38,629.87
19 £12,033.01
20 £20,577.02
21 £9,381.67
22 £72,817.96
23 £18,145.22
24 £11,903.99
TOTAL £638,817.30
Reference number
FOI 5813417
Date request received
Date of decision