Sink holes in Lincolnshire since the beginning of 2021 - Find a freedom of information request


1. What is the cause of the sink hole in Gosberton Salam street?

2. How many road sink holes have there been in Lincolnshire since the beginning of 2021?

3. What has been the causes of these sink holes?

4. How many of these sink holes are related to ground movement displacement caused by leaks from sewage pipes?

5. Why has it taken so long to get to the root cause or mend these sink holes, especially in Spalding and Holbeach?

6. What is the standards charter between Highways and the Anglian water? Does Highways charge any penalties or receive any compensation from the water companies if its there pipes which have caused the sink holes, or damage to the road?

7. In regards to question 1 and Gosberton sink hole, if this was caused by sewage leaks, can you confirm how long this damage has been occurring please?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Works are due to commence on Monday 16th Jan to investigate the cause of the void, we do not expect the cause to be associated with a utility providers apparatus.

2. Attached is information on all sinkholes reported in the county.

3. The causes have been mainly down to ground conditions and soil types in the area.

4. If the cause can be proven to be that of a sewer pipe fault, this repair would be undertaken by Anglian Water, they would provide this information.

5. The investigations required at times is a lengthy process, we try to work collaboratively with utility providers to ensure that the root cause is identified, and a viable solution is reached

6. If there is evidence of street works having taken place within the last two years, then the reinstatement has to comply with the reinstatement spec as per the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 legislation and guidance.

If it can be proved that sink hole is as a direct result of the presence of their apparatus, LCC could have a case of consequential damage (also under NRSWA legislation) and claim compensation from the utility.

7. If our investigations find that the cause of the void in Gosberton are found to be associated with a foul sewer defect, we will endeavour to find out if this has been a long term system failure.

Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and these can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 5852702
Date request received
Date of decision