Anerobic Digestion Plant at Metheringham Airfield - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please could I have details on the proposed planning application for an Anerobic Digestion Plant at Metheringham Airfield, planning application number EIA/37/22.

2. Will there be a public consultation on the application?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. The requested information can be found on our website -

Planning Register - Lincolnshire County Council ( search using the reference EIA/37/22.

It should be noted that this is NOT a planning application but instead relates to a request by the developer for a screening/scoping opinion from the County Council. Screening is a procedure used to determine whether a proposal falls within the remit of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations and therefore likely to have significant effects on the environment.

In this case, the Council decided this development would fall within the scope of the Regulations and therefore any subsequent planning application made would need to be supported by an Environmental Statement.

A copy of the Council’s decision confirming this can be found on the website.

Attached to the website is also a copy of the Council’s Scoping Decision which then sets out what information needs to be included with any Environmental Statement.

If/when a planning application is made then that application will need to be supported by the Environmental Statement and that statement must contain the information as set out in the Council’s Scoping Decision.

2. The Council is not required to consult the public on screening/scoping requests as it is not a planning application. If/when a planning application is made then we will consult on the application in line with the standards set out in our Statement of Community Involvement.

This will include notifying neighbouring residents, Parish Councils, Local Members etc.

Reference number
FOI 5865429
Date request received
Date of decision