Employability support services for young people (aged 16-24) with a learning disability and/or autism - Find a freedom of information request


1. Amount of funds (in £) spent in the financial year 2021/2022 on employability support services for young people (aged 16-24) with a learning disability and/or autism.

2. The names of the top four providers of employability support services for young people (aged 16-24) with a learning disability and/or autism by funding received in the financial year 2021/2022.

By top four providers we mean that we would like to know the names of the four providers who received the most funding in the financial year 2021/2022 from Lincolnshire County Council to provide employability support services to young people with a learning disability and/or autism. By provider we mean organisation that provides this type of service/initiative/programme to help this cohort of young people into employment. We are interested in private providers and not in Colleges. 


Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) are able to provide information around the financial element in relation to the Supported Internship Project through the Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Employment Project which cost £71,697 in the year 2021/2022. This project funds an Employment Project lead and an Employment Project Officer who have been working with the special schools to increase work experience and the numbers of young people in special schools accessing Supported Internships and on to employment.

LCC do not hold a breakdown of any funding directly into provisions to provide employment support.

Individual organisations will need to be contacted to ascertain the delivery of employment support services to enable you to ascertain who the top providers are.

Reference number
Date request received
21 December 2022
Date of decision
12 January 2023