Rights as employees - Find a freedom of information request


1) Do you issue your employees with any learning or specific documentation (excluding their written terms) relating to their rights as employees? If yes, is this available to all employees?

2) Do you have any specific learning resources (online or other) for your employees if they wish to gain a greater understanding of their employee rights? 

3) Do you provide any legal advice or aid (in-house) to your employees regarding their employment rights if they need it?

4) If you do issue your employees with learning regarding their employment rights, what has the uptake of this been?

5) How many tribunals have been brought about by your employees over the past 24 months? 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) As part of their induction employees are signposted to our employment policies Employment policies – Lincolnshire County Council and they are required to sign the induction checklist to confirm they have read and understood these policies.

2) No

3) No – employees are advised to contact their manager f they have any queries

4) N/A

5) 6 ( excluding Schools)

Reference number
FOI 5765070
Date request received
Date of decision