Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure - Find a freedom of information request


1a. Do you have a published Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure strategy?

1b. If so, please enclose a hyperlink to your published strategy

1c. If not, why not?

Lack of resource/funding

Lack of knowledge

Lack of support/guidance/best practise

Lack of direction from central government

Not the local authority's responsibility

Lack of data

Lack of engagement from other stakeholders (eg DNOs, charge point operators)

No need for a strategy


2a. Have you considered fleet needs in the rollout of public EV infrastructure in the local authority?

2b. If yes, please detail the ways in which you have given it consideration.

3. How many meetings/workshops/engagement sessions has the local authority had with the following stakeholders about EV charging infrastructure:

a. Charge point operators/installers

b. Local residents

c. Fleet operators

d. Other local authorities

4. Does the local authority have a mechanism to share knowledge/best practise or offer support to the following stakeholders around EV charging infrastructure:

a. Charge point operators/installers

b. Local residents

c. Fleet operators

d. Other local authorities

5a. Do you have a dedicated member of staff responsible for public EV infrastructure rollout (ie it is part of their job description or written responsibilities)?

5b. If yes, please provide the name and email address of the member of staff concerned.


1a. Yes.

1b. It can be found at: https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/directory-record/71022/electric-vehicle-strategy

1c. Not applicable.

2a. Yes.

2b. LCC have attended several bus and coach shows who were promoting EV manufacturers and EV bus and coach builders to Look at the technology and systems they operate whilst also engaging with the Commercial vehicle shows to assess charging points, vehicle design and development.

LCC have approached different vehicle manufacturers and trialled electric vehicles on road test to assess distance travelled, load capacity over charge load and function. To date results evidence that current vehicles have been unable to reach the distance LCC require, (over 200 miles plus on one complete charge) falling short at an average of 80-90 miles per charge. LCC continue to explore the possibilities EV could deliver and engage regularly manufacturers in the industry on the progress of vehicle technology.

3. Meetings about Electric Vehicles (EV) are now common place; moreover EV are often discussed within other meetings – for example in a regional meeting about transport priorities, EV is frequently touched.

a. Approximately 20 during the last 12 months.

b. Discussions are ongoing. For example individuals and communities can contact Lincolnshire County Council about a particular issue, they may speak to their local County Councillor or they might respond to some engagement or consultation work. For example, many residents highlighted EV as part of Lincolnshire County Council’s (LCC) recent Local Transport Plan consultation.

c. LCC have approached different vehicle manufacturers and trialled electric vehicles on road test to assess distance travelled, load capacity over charge load and function. To date results evidence that current vehicles have been unable to reach the distance LCC require, (over 200 miles plus on one complete charge) falling short at an average of 80-90 miles per charge. LCC continue to explore the possibilities EV could deliver and engage regularly manufacturers in the industry on the progress of vehicle technology.

d. Meetings about EV with other local authorities happen on a very regular basis. For example, LCC are leading a regional project to bring more EV charging to the area. As part of this work, LCC meet with other local authorities on a weekly basis. This project is called “LEVI” (Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) and is funded nationally by the Department for Transport.

4. LCC use the usual channels to share best practice – for example regional transport events. As part of the LEVI project LCC will share learning with others throughout and after the project. In addition, LCC do and will attend regional and national learning events that include a, c and d listed below. LCC have supported a number of parishes to bring forward charging opportunities although this has been on a one by one basis and not a formalised process.

a. Please see response for question 4.

b. Please see response for question 4.

c. Please see response for question 4.

d. Please see response for question 4.

5a. No. This work is being lead by LCC’s Transport Policy Team.

5b. Not applicable.

Reference number
Date request received
5 December 2022
Date of decision
23 December 2022