Contraceptive services - Find a freedom of information request


1. The number of active (open) sites in your council commissioned to deliver contraceptive services in each year, starting from 2000 (or later if unavailable) until the most recent year available.

2. The number of closures of such cites (as of point 1 above) in each year in your council, starting from 2000 (or later if unavailable) until the most recent year available.


Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. In accordance with Section 1(1)(a) of the Act we confirm that the Council does hold information that falls within the description specified in your request.

We confirm there are several Lincolnshire County Council contracts that provide contraceptive services in Lincolnshire, either as their main focus or as part of a larger contract.

These are:

• LISH (Lincolnshire Integrated Sexual Health Service)

• LARC (Long Acting Reversible Contraception)

• General Practitioner (GP) contracts

• Pharmacy contracts for emergency contraception

• SHOPSS (Sexual Health Outreach, HIV Prevention and Support Services)

• C-Card Some of these services are delivered from fixed sites, others are outreach, and not all will be active at any given point.

Contracts such as those with GPs and pharmacies may not be active until required.

Reference number
FOI 5634509
Date request received
Date of decision