Number of children in residential care - Find a freedom of information request


1. Number of children in residential care

2. Percentage of children in residential care placed in county

3. Average weekly price of all residential care placements

4. Average weekly price of in house residential care placements

5. Average weekly price of residential parent assessment centre

6. Number of residential parent assessment centre placements in the last 12 months

7. Number of solo residential placements

8. Average weekly price of solo residential placements

9. Average weekly price of residential care placements for disabled children

10. Average weekly price of 16-18 year olds in unregulated accommodation

11. Number of adults with a disability aged 18-25 accessing supported living placements

12. Average weekly price of 18-25 year old supported living placements


1. There are 93 of children in residential care

2. The percentage of children in residential care place in the county is 13.8%

3. The average weekly price of all residential care placements for the past 12 months is £4639.43

4. The average weekly price of in-house residential care placements for the past 12 months is £2253.94

5. The average weekly price of a residential parent assessment centre for the last 12 months is £3398.33

6. There were 6 residential parent assessment placements in the last 12 months

7. There were 2 solo residential placements in the last 12 months.

8. The average weekly price of solo residential placements for the last 12 months is £10,631

9. The average weekly price of residential care placements for disabled children for the last 12 months is £2025.09

10. The average weekly price of 16-18-year-olds in unregulated accommodation for the last 12 months is £1821.58

11. The number of adults with a disability aged 18-25 who are accessing supported living placements is 105

12. The average weekly price of 18–25-year-old supported living placement is £730

Reference number
Date request received
31 October 2022
Date of decision
12 December 2022