Specialist IT systems within the area of environment and planning - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please can you provide information on specialist only Information Technology (IT) systems used by the council within the area of Environment and Planning and a short description of its purpose?

E.g. If MS Word is used throughout your council, I do not wish to know about it. This request is specifically for specialist IT systems used within the area of Environment and Planning at the council.

Please provide the system or application name, the name of the company that create the software and a short description of what the council uses it for.






  • Confirm - for the work planning and delivery of public rights of way maintenance.


  • Fix My Street - for the reporting by the public of faults / requirements on the rights of way network.


  • QGIS - for mapping purposes in PROW work.


  • TreeWise - for managing the tree assets in the county.




  • DEF software package -  for project managing planning applications including document storage and consultation and receiving consultation responses and holding this in a digital form.


  • Mastergov, provided by DEF Software Limited.


Module based, currently use:


  • County Planning & Appeals – back office and online planning register for supporting the whole Planning Development Management function when dealing with planning applications and appeals.


  • Application Response – back office supporting both Planning Development Management for NSIP case work and pre-application advise process and Highways and SuDS Development Management registering District Council consultations.


  • Enforcement – back office and online planning register for supporting Enforcement.


  • Site Monitoring – back office – to link all other modules for fully history of sites, plus used by Site Monitoring Officer, supporting their function of monitoring Mineral sites.


  • Legal Agreements – back office – in process of using this module.
Reference number
Date request received
8 November 2022
Date of decision
5 December 2022