Spends on energy costs this winter - Find a freedom of information request


1. How much are you expecting to spend on energy costs this winter (October - April) compared to the same period last year?

2. Are you planning to cancel or spend less than the year before on festive events or decorations because of costs? These include but are not limited to Christmas lights, bonfire night, Christmas markets, Christmas trees, etc.

3. How much money are you projected to save if the council cancels any festive events or decorations?

4. Are you planning to spend less on other council services, such as street lighting, than in 2021 to save energy and fuel costs? What changes have you made?

5. Has the council decided to close any of its community spaces such as halls, libraries and leisure centres, either temporarily or permanently for the remainder of 2022 and/or 2023 to reduce energy and fuel costs?

6. If so, how many community spaces will close and how much money does the council estimate this will save on its energy and fuel costs? Please can you include the type of community space in your response.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.


  October 2021 to April 2022 Predicted October 2022 to April 2023
Schools £241,079 £409,834
Non Schools £283,134 £481,328
Total £524,213 £891,162
  October 2021 to April 2022 Predicted October 2022 to April 2023
Schools £732,945 £1,465,891
Non Schools £940,772 £1,881,544
Street Lighting £1,405,706 £2,811,412
Total £3,079,423 £6,158,847

2-3. This information may be held by the district councils, please see their contact details below.








4. Lincolnshire County Council Street Lighting Team is making changes to the type of lamp used, with a role out of LEDs. However, any energy and cost savings as a result of using LEDs is being absorbed by the increasing cost of energy.

5. No

6. N/A


Reference number
FOI 5429493
Date request received
Date of decision