People aged between 16-30 using local drug education and support services - Find a freedom of information request



  1. Number of people aged between 16-30 using local drug education and support services between 2018-2022, broken down by year


  1. Number of people aged between 16-30 waiting for access to local drug education and support services between 2018-2022, broken down by year


  1. A copy of your drug education and support resources, including council led schemes distributed to schools and colleges,


  1. List of specific substances included in your drug education and support resources, including those distributed to schools and colleges


  1. List of council led schemes distributed in schools and colleges regarding drug use, education and support schemes


  1. Any internal or external evaluations of your mental health & drug use support schemes, resources


  1. Any internal or external evaluations of your mental health & drug support staff and training


  1. LCC deliver preventative education to schools through the Stay Safe Partnership.


The number of Year 11 pupils (15-16yr olds) who received Drug Awareness sessions as part of Stay Safe Days:


  • 2018: 150
  • 2019: 280
  • 2020: 332
  • 2021: 724
  • 2022: 966


*Note: These are academic years, not calendar years.


15T15TSupport service for substance misuse treated the following people:


  • 15T15T2018-2019 - 2944
  • 15T15T2019-2020 - 3225
  • 15T15T2020-2021 - 3126
  • 15T15T2021-2022 - 3244


  1. Drug Education do not hold a waiting list.


Support services do not have a waiting list, all clients are seen within three weeks of referral as per national guidelines.


  1. LCC do not hold this information.


  1. For drug education, Information around Nitrous Oxide (NOS), Cannabis and Cannabis edibles are delivered in all sessions based on Lincolnshire need.  Additional drug information may be delivered based on students’ questions and/or knowledge on the day.


Support services cover all illicit and legal substances that are misused with the exception of nicotine that is covered by the smoking cessation service.












  1. The below table refers to internal and external evaluation for drug support services




New Grade Awarded


Quality Assurance

3 (Outstanding)



2 (Good)


Assessment and Support Planning

2 (Good)


Security, Health and Safety

3 (Outstanding)


Safeguarding and Protection from Abuse

3 (Outstanding)


Clinical Effectiveness

2 (Good)



15 (Outstanding)


In relation to Mental Health Services, LCC do not hold this information. This is held with Integrated Care Board (ICB) (formally Care Commissioning Group) directly.


  1. Please see response in question 6.
Reference number
Date request received
19 September 2022
Date of decision
1 December 2022