Fixed Speed cameras - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please inform me how many fixed speed cameras your authority is responsible for. If possible, please break this down by device type (EG Gatso, Truvelo, HADECS).

2. Please inform me how many average speed cameras your authority is responsible for. If possible, please break this down by device type (EG SPECS, VECTOR, Siemens).

3. Please inform me of the total financial cost to your authority of maintaining and calibrating the fixed speed cameras your authority is responsible for from 2018 to present. Please break this down by calendar or financial year. If possible, please also break this down by device type.

4. Please inform me of the total financial cost to your authority of maintaining and calibrating the average speed cameras your authority is responsible for from 2018 to present. Please break this down by calendar or financial year. If possible, please also break this down by device type.

5. If possible, please inform me how many speeding tickets were issued by the fixed cameras your authority is responsible for from 2018 to present. Please break this down by calendar or financial year, and by device type if possible.

6. If possible, please inform me how many speeding tickets were issued by average cameras your authority is responsible for from 2018 to present. Please break this down by calendar or financial year, and by device type if possible.

If it is not possible to obtain the level of granularity outlined above, please simply tell me a) how many speed cameras your authority is responsible for in total, and b) how much financial cost these cameras incurred for maintenance and calibration from 2018-present, broken down by year.


Lincolnshire County Council do not hold this information.

The information would be held with Lincolnshire Police and would advise you to contact them directly.

Reference number
Date request received
18 November 2022
Date of decision
29 November 2022