Energy Supplies 21/22 - Find a freedom of information request


I include below questions regarding your energy supplies. 

Annual Spend 21/22

- Electricity Annual Spend 21/22

- Gas No of Meters

- HH Electricity No of Meters

- NHH Electricity No of Meters

- Gas Supplier

- HH Electricity Supplier

- NHH Electricity Supplier

- Gas Framework Ref.

- HH Electricity Framework Ref.

- NHH Electricity Framework Ref.

- Gas PBO

- HH Electricity PBO

- NHH Electricity PBO

- Gas Procurement Manager (Energy)

- Name Procurement Manager (Energy)

- Job Title Procurement Manager (Energy)

- Email Energy Manager

- Name Energy Manager

- Job title Energy Manager

- Email

1. For the year ending March 31, 2022, please provide your organisation's approximate total annual cost expenditure for grid supplies of:


Natural gas

2. Please provide the current total number of supplies (billed meter points) for;

Half Hourly metered electricity

Non Half Hourly metered electricity

Natural gas

The following questions relate to your main supplier or main contracts, I do not require details of suppliers for a small number of miscellaneous supplies)

3. Please provide the name of your current primary licenced retail suppliers for :

Half Hourly metered electricity

Non Half Hourly metered electricity

Natural gas

4. Please provide the relevant reference number or similar reference detail of the OJEU framework or tender exercise through which supplies were procured for:

Half Hourly metered electricity

Non Half Hourly metered electricity

Natural gas

5.If the procurement route is facilitated by a Public Sector Buying Organisation (PBO) (e.g CCS, YPO, etc), please provide the name of the PBO facilitating your contract for:

Half Hourly metered electricity

Non Half Hourly metered electricity

Natural gas

6. Please provide contact details for the procurement manager at your Organisation responsible for these call-offs or awards of energy supply contracts, or where this person is no longer employed by your Organisation, for the relevant procurement manager currently in post.

Please provide their: Name Job Title Email Address

7. Please provide contact details for the operational Manager at your Organisation primarily responsible for day to day management of these supplies & costs.

This would usually be an Energy Manager, Estates/Facilities Manager, or similar

Please provide their: Name Job Title Email Address


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1.Annual Spend 21/22 - Electricity £4,410,958

Annual Spend 21/22 - Gas £682,094

2.No of Meters - HH Electricity 56

No of Meters - NHH Electricity 354

No of Meters - Gas 242


- HH Electricity Total Energies Supplier

- NHH Electricity Total Energies Supplier

- Gas Total Energies

4.Framework Ref. - HH Electricity Framework 191_B_C_20

Framework Ref. - NHH Electricity Framework 191_B_C_20

Framework Ref. - Gas Framework 192_19

5.PBO - HH Electricity ESPO

PBO - NHH Electricity ESPO


6.Procurement Manager (Energy)

- Name Fiona Fielding Procurement Manager (Energy)

- Job Title Senior Commercial & Procurement Officer Procurement Manager (Energy)

- Email

7.Energy Manager

- Name Andy Fenn Energy Manager

- Job title Head of Facilities Management Energy Manager

- Email 

Reference number
FOI 5429795
Date request received
Date of decision