Carers Assessment - Find a freedom of information request


To clarify, this request is in relation to Adult Social Care.

1. The time it takes to complete a carers assessment,

2. The average number of carers assessments completed in a month,

3. The number of people on waiting lists to access the carers assessment,

4. The cost to complete a carers assessment from beginning to end (staff hours),

5. How much does each carers assessment cost the council to complete,

6. The number of permanent staff tasked with completing carers assessments,

7. The number of locum staff tasked with completing carers assessments,

8. The average per-hour cost of permanent staff,

9. The average per-hour cost of locum staff,

10. The process in which funding for a care plan is approved or denied by the funding committee (how do they make their decisions and what parameters or frameworks do they base this on).


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Over the period Sept 21 to Oct 22, the average time was 18 days

2. Over the period Sept 21 to Oct 22 There were 64 assessments per month on average

3. As at 09/11/22 there are 8 assigned assessments that have not started.

4. Lincolnshire County Council have assumed unit costs for assessments but they can vary greatly, they could be straight-forward, they could be joint assessments, they could be multiagency and complex – quantifying this is impossible.

5. Lincolnshire County council doesn’t complete Carers Assessments and delegate this statutory duty.

6. Approximately 25

7. None

8. Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information

9. None

10. Carers assessment and support plans are considered during the carers personal budget authorisation process. Consideration is given to whether a carer is providing necessary care and if they have eligible needs. Care and support statutory guidance and the LCC direct payment policy are used. Conversations will take place with the carers assessor and other professionals involved, it is a collaborative process. 

Reference number
FOI 5454689
Date request received
Date of decision