Specialist only IT systems (Births, Deaths and Ceremonies) - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please can you provide information on specialist only IT systems used by the council within the area of Births, Deaths and Ceremonies and a short description of its purpose?

E.g. If MS Word is used throughout your council, I do not wish to know about it. This request is specifically for specialist IT systems used within the area of Births, Deaths and Ceremonies.

Please provide the system or application name, the name of the company that create the software and a short description of what the council uses it for.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

There are three systems specialist to the registration of births, deaths and marriages:

RON - Registration Online owned by the Home Office. This is used for the online entry of birth and death registrations and the online registration of marriage and civil partnerships.

Online agenda - created by Stopford. This is our registrar's diary system, which keeps all of our appointments and ceremonies

Coroner Portal - created by WPC. This is used for the online referral of deaths to the coroner's service. It is also used by our coroners to hold all record of their cases and relevant information

Reference number
FOI 5491877
Date request received
Date of decision