SSG funds - Find a freedom of information request


1. Did the LA passport the SSG funds to special schools as well as mainstream schools?

2. If it was passed on, what methodology was used to calculate the amount of money passported to special schools? And the total amount passed on?

3. If the LA did not pass the SSG on to special schools, what did they do with the money retained?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. The Council has been working with the Lincolnshire special schools’ sector to determine and calculate those unforeseen costs. These costs are starting to become clearer for the current financial year. Financial modelling has been taking place in readiness for determining individual special school allocations in addition to their delegated budget. This will be communicated to the sector shortly.

2. Lincolnshire has a special schools funding formula that determines each schools funding, which is underpinned by key cost drivers and their costs.

The identified cost drivers such as staffing (teaching and non-teaching), and energy will be adjusted upwards to reflect the increased costs, which will ensure a fair allocation to each school recognising the schools characteristics. The total amount will be confirmed in due course.

3. The Council will ensure a fair allocation is made to each special school through the principles of the current funding formula to support the schools unforeseen costs in addition to their agreed delegated budget. 

Reference number
FOI 5454489
Date request received
Date of decision