Interpreting and translation contracts - Find a freedom of information request


1. Who is the point of contact that deals with interpreting and translation contracts within your organisation?

2. What are their contact details?

3. Do you access interpreting and translation suppliers directly or through a framework?

4. If through a framework, which one do you use?

5. What is the start and end date for either the framework or direct contracts you have with interpreting and translation supplier(s)?

Start date

End date

6. Which suppliers do you use for the following services:

Service Supplier

Telephone interpreting

Face to face interpreting

British Sign Language

Video interpreting

Written translation

Other interpreting/translation related service

7. How many bookings did you have in the following financial years:

Service 19/20 20/21 21/22

Telephone interpreting

Face to face interpreting

British Sign Language

Video interpreting

Written translation


8. What was the spend on services in the following financial years:

Service 19/20 20/21 21/22

Telephone interpreting

Face to face interpreting

British Sign Language


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Business Support - contract manager Mrs Cathryn Coates


3. Framework - Contracted DN461125 (ProContract Reference)

4. as Question 3

5. Start date 01/04/2022 End date 31/03/2023 with a potential one-year extension to 31/03/2024

6. D A Languages Ltd - single provider for translation services

7. Telephone interpreting 19/20 - 316 20/21 - 534 21/22 - 372

Face to face interpreting 19/20 - 541 20/21 - 353 21/22 - 647

British Sign Language 19/20 - 0 20/21 - 0 21/22 - 3

Video interpreting 19/20 - 0 20/21 - 176 21/22 - 635

Written translation 19/20 - 113 20/21 - 134 21/22 – 209

8. 19/20 for all services £54,070.85

20/21 for all services £60,760.27

21/22 for all services £145,511.24

Due to commercial sensitivity we have banded the spend

Telephone interpreting

19/20 £6,000-£9,999

20/21 £10,000 -15,999

21/22 £ 26,000 - £29,999

Face to face interpreting

19/20 £36,000 - £39,999

20/21 £20,000 -25,999

21/22 £50,000 - £55,999

British Sign Language

19/20 £0

20/21 £0

21/22 £1 - £999 

Reference number
FOI 5428293
Date request received
Date of decision