Live Labs and Live Labs2 Department of Transport bids - Find a freedom of information request


I am aware of both Live Labs and Live Labs2 Department of Transport evaluations of such technology.

1. Did the Council consider entering bids for either project?

2. If it was decided not to enter a bid when was this decision taken and by whom?

3. If a bid was entered, then what was the outcome of the bid and where can I find the decision documentation?


1. Yes, for both Live Labs and Live Labs 2, Lincolnshire County Council considered bidding. On both occasions the decision was taken to not submit a bid however Lincolnshire County Council was named within the wider Balfour Beatty bid (lead by the Midlands Combined Authorities) as a potential trial location for Live Labs 2.

2. The decision to not enter bids was taken approximately four weeks prior to the submission deadlines. On both occasions the decision was taken by the Assistant Director for Highways and the Head of Highways Client.

3. Lincolnshire County Council did not submit a bid to Live Labs or Live Labs 2 as lead authority.

Reference number
Date request received
25 October 2022
Date of decision
8 November 2022