Suicide prevention action plan or strategy - Find a freedom of information request


1) Does the local authority have an agreed suicide prevention action plan or strategy?

a. If so, does this strategy recognise veterans as an at-risk, priority or tailored group?

b. If so, does your strategy reference veterans in any other way?

c. If so, when is your strategy due to be reviewed?

2) Does the local authority have Armed Forces and Veterans Champion?

a. If so, what is the name and contact email address of your Armed Forces and Veterans Champion?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Lincolnshire County Council has a Suicide Prevention strategy and action plan in place. Lincolnshire Suicide prevention strategy 2020-2023 'Reaching out and saving lives' was agreed by number of strategic partners and published in October 2020.

Please see link to the policy below.

a) The Current suicide prevention strategy does not identify veterans as high-risk group or priority group.

b) The Current suicide prevention strategy does not reference veterans in any other way.

c) Work of reviewing the Lincolnshire Suicide Prevention strategy will commence in 2023 with the planned publication date for the new strategy at the start of 2024.

2. Lincolnshire’s local authority does not have an officially named champion. However, Cllr Colin Mathews is a chair of a local Veteran Covenant and would be the best contact on the subject matter.

Contact details are provided in the link below 

Reference number
FOI 5361815
Date request received
Date of decision