The Louth active Travel Scheme air quality - Find a freedom of information request


The Louth active Travel Scheme

1. Was any nitrogen dioxide monitoring done before the scheme was introduced, and had any been done since?

2. If not, why was this not considered?

3. Does LCC have any set levels of air quality they are working towards?

4. Are there air quality requirements where outdoor seating is provided by LCC, and where businesses are given permission for outdoor seating?

5. What are the considerations & risk assessments for placing seating in the live carriageway through the town centre?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you. 

1. No

2. This is an experimental scheme

3. Not for the placing of seating units

4. No

5. Consideration was given that the units were in locations previously occupied by parked vehicles and took no greater road space. The units were considered safe in terms of their location within the highway with the colour of the units selected to ensure visibility.

Reference number
FOI 5339081
Date request received
Date of decision