Looked after children under the care of the local authority 21/22 - Find a freedom of information request


Under the Freedom of Information Act, please can you provide me with the following figures broken down for each of the last full years (including 2021 and to current date 16/1/2022)

1) How many looked after children were under the care of the local authority for the period requested in the FOI

2) How many of these children were or are placed in children's home? A children's home is defined as a residential setting and regulated by Ofsted.

3) How many of the children comprising the response to question 1 were placed in a children's home within the geographical boundaries of the local authority? Eg, placed in a children's home in their home authority. 

4) How many of the children comprising the response to question 1 were placed in a children's home outside of the geographical boundaries of their home local authority. In these cases, the local authority still acts as their legal parent. 

5) How many planning applications has the council received to request the use of a property as a children's home either via 1) a certificate of lawfulness application or b) via a full planning application? 

6) How many of these applications have been granted and how many of these applications were refused? 

7) How many of those applications that have been refused, have appealed the council's decision and from these appeals, how many were successful?

8) How many children's homes are currently registered and operating within the geographical boundaries of the council. This includes private, charity and local authority homes.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you. 


2021 971
2022 to date 981

Note 1: This represents the total number of children In Care at any time during the period


2021 101
2022 to date 83

Note 2: This represents the total number of children accommodated in a Children's Home at any time during the period


2021 47
2022 to date 37

 Note 3: This represents the total number of children accommodated in a Children's Home within the LA's geographical boundary any time during the period. Note 4: A child may have been accommodated in more than one Children's Home during the period, which may include a Children's Home inside and a Children's Home outside the LA's geographical boundary.


2021 58
2022 to date 48

Note 5: This represents the total number of children accommodated in a Children's Home outside the LA's geographical boundary any time during the period. Note 4: A child may have been accommodated in more than one Children's Home during the period, which may include a Children's Home inside and a Children's Home outside the LA's geographical boundary. 

5,6,7. Lincolnshire County council does not hold this information, this information may be held by the district councils, Please find their contact details below.








8. 33

Note 6: OFSTED Children's Homes List for LAs 04/10/2022


Reference number
FOI 5337981
Date request received
Date of decision